Thursday, July 16, 2009

My invitation arrived in the mail yesterday morning. It was a good start to the day, primarily because I'd already seen the design, absolutely loved it, and couldn't wait to get it in the mail!

The bride's sister-in-law-to-be, a graphic design student, designed the invitations.

The wedding is taking place the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend, so the tree with autumn leaves fits perfectly.

I love how the leaves carry throughout the invitation as though the wind is blowing them. I really like the choice of a shimmery brown envelope for the RSVP, it ties in nicely with the brown tree trunk.

As not everyone who will be invited to the ceremony will be invited to the reception, I think the separate little "and the celebration continues..." card with the reception information is an ingenious idea! The bride and groom met at a swing dancing club, so they will be having swing dancing at the reception and are providing a dance lesson before dinner -- an excellent idea!

Only three more month until the wedding; I'm really looking forward to it!

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posted by Vanessa at 4:08 PM

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