Saturday, June 27, 2009

Public transit is one of those environments that lends itself to interaction with strangers. Sometimes it's a conversation about the weather, other times the interaction is non-verbal. The latter is often more interesting.

Returning home after dinner with a friend earlier this evening, I noticed a rainbow in the sky just as the bus was pulling out of uptown. I naturally put my book down to admire it.

The rainbow formed a perfect arc in the sky. I wondered if the handsome guy sitting in the row in front of me, who had been courteous enough to ask me if reclining his seat would disturb me, could see the rainbow. It was then that the handsome guy sitting in the row in front of me started photographing the rainbow with his camera phone. I myself had been thinking of doing the same thing. Encouraged, I pulled out my camera and snapped a few shots.

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posted by Vanessa at 10:12 PM

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